Monday Nov 14, 2022
2nd Chance -/ Film School Radio interview with Director Ramin Bahrani
Ramin Bahrani’s debut feature documentary, 2nd Chance takes an in-depth look at a former pizzeria owner, Richard Davis, the man who invented the modern-day bulletproof vest. To prove that it worked, he shot himself — point blank — 192 times. Davis then launched Second Chance, which became one of the largest body armor companies in the world. Charming and brash, he directed sensational marketing films, earning him celebrity status among police and gun owners across the country. But the death of a police officer wearing a Second Chance vest catalyzes Davis’ fall, and reveals a man full of contradictions cultivated over decades of reckless behavior. Equally as questionable as he was captivating, Davis saved thousands of lives while endangering exponentially more. Oscar-nominated filmmaker Ramin Bahrani (Chop Shop, 99 Homes, White Tiger) continues his fascination with the perilous pursuit of the American Dream as seen through a uniquely individual lens. The film shrewdly juxtaposes Richard Davis’ actions with those of his righteous right-hand man, Aaron Westrick. Unwilling to passively present questionable truths, Bahrani instead lays bare the complexities of one man’s supposed virtue while speaking to the nature of power and impunity in America. Director and producer Ramin Bahrani joins us for a conversation on making the leap into feature documentary, his fascination with Richard Davis and his penchant for self mythology, gun culture and the invaluable opportunity for redemption and reconciliation. For theatrical release go to: bleeckerstreetmedia.com/2nd-chance For at home release go to: showtime.com Watch at Virtual Platform at: docnyc.net/film/2nd-chance