Monday May 24, 2021
Drunk Bus / Film School Radio interview with Co-directors John Carlucci & Brandon LaGanke
DRUNK BUS follows Michael (Charlie Tahan), a recent graduate, whose post college plan was derailed when his girlfriend leaves him for a job in New York City. Stuck in Ohio without a new plan of his own, Michael finds himself caught in the endless loop of driving the "drunk bus," the debaucherous late-night campus shuttle that ferries drunk college students from parties to the dorms and back, waiting for his ex, Amy, to come back to him. When the bus service hires a security guard to watch over the night shift, Michael comes face to tattooed face with Pineapple (Pineapple Tangaroa), a larger-than-life Samoan American who challenges him with a kick in the ass to break from the loop and start living or risk driving in circles forever. Co-directors John Carlucci & Brandon LaGanke stop by for a spirited conversation on growing up in Ohio, John Hughes, the true life inspiration for Drunk Bus, meeting Pineapple Tangoroa and their love of filmmaking. For news, screenings and updates go to drunkbusmovie.com Watch at: drunkbusmovie.com/watch