Monday May 09, 2022
Flint: Who Can You Trust? / Film School Radio interview with Director Anthony Baxter
Anthony Baxter’s Flint: Who Can You Trust? exposes the political arrogance and constant danger facing thousands of Flint, Michigan residents. Caused, in large part, by the actions of an unelected governing body, made up of unelected political hacks appointed by the governor. On April 25, 2014, for reasons that remain shrouded in mystery, Michigan governor Rick Snyder signed off on an order that switched the source of Flint water system from the Lake Heron of Great Lakes to the Flint River. That decision resulted in the poisoning Flint residents and leading to one of the worst human-caused environmental disasters in American history. Award-winning journalist / filmmaker Anthony Baxter's FLINT: WHO CAN YOU TRUST goes beyond the headlines to investigate the escalating betrayal and deceit by government officials, the breakdown in public trust and faith in official science, and ultimately, the community's enduring fight for one of our most basic rights: clean water. Director and Producer Anthony Baxter (You've Been Trumped, You've Been Trumped Too) joins us for a conversation on his searing indictment of local, state, and federal governance, merciless scammers, junk science, charlatans, systemic racism, social and political indifference that is still costing thousands innocent people their dignity, health and for too many, their lives. For updates and screenings go to: Flintdocumentary.com To watch go to: flintdocumentary.com/watchnow To stop more Flints go to: flintdocumentary.com/resources