Saturday May 20, 2023
It’s Quieter in the Twilight - Director Billy Miossi
Director Billy Miossi latest documentary, It’s Quieter in the Twilight takes viewers on a thoroughly enjoyable look behind the scenes of a small, but resourceful group of engineers and scientist as they work tirelessly to maintain and expand the mission of America’s two oldest satellites, Voyager I and Voyager II. As these two spacecraft approach a half century of flight, they are pushing the notion of true discovery, traveling among stars propelled only by dwindling sunlight. While the world has moved on to fancier ships and splashier front men–the celestial journey of the aging spacecraft transcends earthly boundaries– from rural South Korea, the Jim Crow South and the U.S./Mexico border to cement a joint commitment to the mission which has traveled the furthest in human history as the clock winds down. Director Billy Miossi stops to talk about the low-key way that the Voyager team goes to extraordinary lengths to keep a 1970’s era spacecraft functioning, and the dedication of a crew that includes Sun Matsumoto, Enrique Medina, Fernando Peralta, Jefferson Hall, Todd Barber, Suzy Dodd, Chris Jones, Ed Stone, Andrea Angrum and Liu Yang. For more go to: itsquieterfilm.com