Friday Dec 09, 2022
LOAN WOLVES / Film School Radio interview with Director Blake Zeff
December 11 - LOAN WOLVES - Director Blake Zeff LOAN WOLVES follows Blake Zeff, an investigative journalist and former politics editor for Salon, as he gets to the root of the student debt crisis, currently at $2,000,000,000,000 and counting. Following the stories of those most affected, Zeff ultimately zeroes in on the unexpected heart of the problem and exposes the rotten core of the country's policy making. Confronting powerful enablers and challenging lies, LOAN WOLVES is a humorous and eye-opening documentary that demystifies this national debt crisis, and the orgin story behind the obscure “carve out” in the 1998 education bill that now prevents countless Americans from reaching their full potential. LOAN WOLVES features high profile members of Congress, congressional staffers, respected economists and the people most directed impacted by this draconian law, the debtors. Director Blake Zeff joins us for a spirited conversation on the enormity of student debt, the pernicious legal entanglement that make the debt so onerous, and why allowing people to discharge the student debt or debt forgiveness is good for the people in debt, their families, and for a more prosperous economy for all. “Loan Wolves” airs Sunday, December 11th at 10pm ET on MSNBC and streaming on Peacock. msnbc-films/loan-wolves