Sunday Aug 15, 2021
The Lost Leonardo / Film School Radio interview with Director Andreas Koefoed
Andreas Koefoed’s THE LOST LEONARDO centers on the sale of Salvator Mundi (Savior of the World), a portrait of Christ purportedly by Leonardo da Vinci, which in 2017 was auctioned by Christie’s for $450 million, a world record for any work of art. The bizarre story of its provenance, the intrigue surrounding its multi-year restoration, and the worldwide controversy regarding its authenticity are all recounted in a non-stop narrative conflating art world drama, international politics, and high-level financial shenanigans. Art dealers, curators, FBI and CIA agents, journalists, restorers, historians, a Russian oligarch, a Saudi prince, and the director of the Louvre are drawn into this exciting and revealing documentary that exposes the frictions inherent in the sale of great art. Unravelling the hidden agendas of the richest men and most powerful art institutions in the world, THE LOST LEONARDO reveals how vested interests in the Salvator Mundi are of such tremendous power that truth becomes secondary. As its price soars, so do questions about its authenticity: is this painting really by Leonardo da Vinci? Director Andreas Koefoed (Ballroom Dancer, The Arms Drop and At Home In The World) joins us to talk about tracking down the story behind this unbelievable story and if some of the remaining mysteries explored in the documentary will ever be fully revealed or understood. For news and updates go to: thelostleonardodocumentary.com