Saturday Jan 28, 2023
The Quiet Epidemic / Film School Radio interview with Co-directors Winslow Crane-Murdock & Lindsay Keys
After years of living with mysterious symptoms, a young girl from Brooklyn and a Duke University scientist are diagnosed with a disease said to not exist: Chronic Lyme disease. The Quiet Epidemic follows their search for answers, which lands them in the middle of a vicious medical debate. What begins as a patient story evolves into an investigation into the history of Lyme disease, dating back to its discovery in 1975. A paper trail of suppressed scientific research, and buried documents reveals why ticks-and the diseases they carry-have been allowed to quietly spread around the globe. According to a new CDC estimate, 476,000 people are diagnosed with Lyme disease yearly in the United States alone, yet our public health agencies and policymakers remain largely unresponsive. The same small group of doctors and public health officials have continued to control the science and the narrative of denial for decades. Co-directors and Lyme disease survivors, Winslow Crane-Murdock & Lindsay Keys join us for a conversation on how their personal travails with Lyme disease has fortified their resolve to raise a greater societal awareness of this insidious and treacherous disease. Nearly as daunting as their own battle with Lyme has been getting a callous, profit over people health care system’s failure to recognize the validity of the disease and take the long overdue steps to deliver appropriate care to the hundreds of thousands people struggling to survive it. For more go to: thequietepidemic.com Distributed by: firstrunfeatures.com/quietepidemic